Legislation and Agreed Ways of Working

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There are many different pieces of legislation which have to be taken into account when working in End of Life Care. There are some general ones, such as the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Equality Act 2010, however, there are more that look at agreed ways of working with regards to End of Life. These include the End of Life Care Programme and the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated activities), and Regulation 2009 (regulation 17).

On top of this, other factors need to be taken into account, such as the making of wills, dealing with personal property of the patient, the removal of medical equipment from deceased people, and finally dealing with visitors and/or family members. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 means that: people who use services who are at the end of their life will have their care, treatment and support needs met because, wherever possible: they are involved in the assessment and planning for their end of life care and are able to make choices and decisions about their preferred options, particularly those relating to pain management, and also that there are systems in place to ensure further assessments by specialist palliative care services and other specialists, where needed.

The act also makes provision for the fact that they should have information relating to death and dying available to them, their families or those close to them. This information includes arrangements to minimise unnecessary disruption to the care, treatment, support and accommodation of the person who uses the service, their family and those close to them.

That they are able to have those people who are important to them, with them at the end of their life.

And finally, that they have a dignified death, that staff are respectful of their needs for privacy, dignity and comfort, and finally that the plan of care records their wishes with regards to how their body and possessions are handled after their death, and that staff respect their values and beliefs.