Principle 4

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End of Life Care: Principle 4

Clear and Straightforward Information

Principle 4 states that "Good, clear, and straightforward information is provided to the person and their carers."

Informing Service Users and Carers

Both the service user and their carers must be made aware of the range of options and resources available to them, how these can be accessed, and any potential risks or benefits. This information enables them to contribute to the development and delivery of care, supporting their chosen end of life pathway and developing, where appropriate, advanced care plans.

Nominated Point of Contact

People and carers should have a nominated, named person they can contact for clarification or advice about any aspect of their care and support. It is essential that everyone is made aware of this contact to ensure it can be accessed quickly and effectively if needed.

Sharing Relevant Information

Information about any relevant illness, its prognosis, and other related factors must be shared clearly, appropriately, and sensitively. If a worker is unable to answer any questions relating to the person's care, they must be clearly signposted to someone who can. Simply saying “sorry, I can’t help you” isn’t sufficient. You must always direct them to the appropriate source of information and, if you don’t know at the present time, find out and come back with the necessary details.