Principle 5

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End-of-Life Care: Principle 5

Regular Reviews and Effective Communication

Regular reviews and effective communication ensure that care and support are responsive to the evolving needs and circumstances of individuals at the end of life, as well as their carers.

Forward Planning and Advance Care Planning

Forward planning, including advance care planning, is essential for providing well-coordinated, planned, and organised care and support. The care provided must revolve around the patient's needs, wishes, and circumstances.

Respect and Responsiveness

It is imperative to maintain respect for the person and their family and friends at every stage of the care process. Given that situations are likely to change, and information may not remain static, effective communication becomes even more crucial.

The Care Act 2015 and Carer's Assessments

The introduction of the Care Act in April 2015 mandates local authorities to conduct a carer’s assessment if the carer appears to need support, either currently or in the future. This assessment is critical in the ongoing care of the patient, as there may be an increased dependency and need for care as their condition progresses.


To ensure that end-of-life care is both responsive and respectful, regular reviews, effective communication, and forward planning are key. The Care Act 2015 plays a vital role in recognising and supporting the needs of carers, thus enhancing the overall care for the patient.